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Sonia A. Matthew, E.d.D

Fear is a strong and dangerous state of being that certainly affects everyone in some way or another. In her book, The Opposite of Fear is Faith, Joan Ruffins unpacks Fear as a concept and a spiritual stronghold. She allows readers to gain a deep understanding of how to unlock the spirit of Fear through the opposite state of being, Faith. Joan’s easy to read book is eye-opening for the non-believer or “baby Christian.” Her book is promising for all spiritual individuals, as well as those who may not believe in the power of Faith, but have lived the power of Fear. Through her life journey, readers will be left inspired with guidance, supported by biblical truths. If you are looking for a book that will help you live a richer life and gradually eliminate Fear from your existence, this book is for you!

Dimikki Finley, Author

EXCELLENT READ! I give this book many thumbs up!! I ENCOURAGE anyone at war with FEAR to read this book and to KEEP the FAITH.

Aya Fubara Eneli, Author, Live Your Abundant Life

Be prepared to take a hard and honest look at exactly where you are so you can follow her suggestions for how to reclaim your life, choose faith and not fear and live out your life with purpose. This book is a must read for all who are tired of just merely existing, those who want to support their loved ones who may be struggling with hard things in their lives, and those who want to break through from fear and go for their dreams. Read it and buy a few more copies to hand out to others around you.

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